Friday, October 11, 2013

Thursday night, October Tenth 2013, Artists & Friends Progressed from Art Cats to Red Lotus Gallery to Smash, and Then Onward to Secret Destinations in #Muskegon

A fascination with names takes many imaginative people on mental journeys. Enofly? Easily slices into Eno and fly. Eno causes musical people to think of Brian Eno, the electronica musician and inventor of ambient music. So is the designer also a musician?
Brian Eno has a string of names, and I believe Eno is his original family surname. Love to hear if you have a story on that name. His last name is good enough to be his only name, just as we never say Napoleon Bonaparte. We just say Napoleon, whose first name is good enough to be his only name forever. Ever see an artist with a name constructed of parts of a first and last name?
It's a cool trend. In Milwaukee, I accidentally crashed the Third Ward gallery party of Timo, the painter Timothy Meyerring. I had been looking for the Buffalo Street location of Plaid Tuba, a creativity laboratory staffed by painter, Reginald Baylor. A flag outside a building of Buffalo Street had said, "Gallery Open". As that wild and crazy guy Steve Martin says, "Well, Excuse Me!"
EnoFly might have a connection to wine. Oenology is the study of making wine, and that pesky capital O in the first position spoils my theory. Even so, is the designer a drinker of wine? If so, we gaffed when my friend KCL and I decamped to debrief over wine at Smash. Next time, we'll bring you and your entire entourage along. ENtOurage?
A number of artist types made the trip to Smash and the Frauenthal Underground, including Cindy Casemier, the proprietor of C2C Gallery and Marc Hoeksema, who was celebrating his birthday. He was starting to set up not only his second show at Bettye Clark-Cannon Gallery, also his second exhibition of photography paired with deep sky object photographer, Terry Hancock of Fremont Michigan. It is interesting that the first show pairing the earthly with the celestial photographer opened in November 2011, and so will this one open around November. The difference with the pair's upcoming show? This time, instead of alternating images, Hoeksema and Hancock have spliced images together.
The designer is a photographer, so she might appreciate an example of Hancock & Hoeksema's work. It is attached. The two photographers have fielded fascinating web galleries, worth exploring:
Marc had brought his wife, an interior designer with a practice in the Armory Building of Grand Haven, I believe. He had visited Smash to see the wooden counter fashioned by John Hopson, the husband of our Art Cats Gallery owner. The counter has been fashioned to look like a solid block of wood, the long wooden shape giving off a cypress root massiveness. However, Hopson made it strong and yet hollow underneath, and this makes the counter vibrate slightly to the touch. I found myself running my hand in the hollow underneath to enjoy the secret chamber. I was tapping the counter to feel it vibrate, not unlike a drum. Maybe I'll tape a twenty dollar bill inside the hollow underside and tell a designer and fan of Eno where it is and buy her a drink by spy versus spy means.
As for Casemier, I wrote about the conversation we had as she and a friend sampled select cheeses, various apple slices and honeycomb. I share it here:
"There is a woman who attends concerts at the Block who looks remarkably like Cyndi Casemier of C2C Gallery in Grand Haven. So last night at Smash, I see Ms Casemier and even so, since it's Muskegon, I was unsure. To explain to Cyndi about her lookalike, I had to mention the concert hall. Cyndi is literally carrying half the art community in GH, so I wondered if "The Block" message had traveled south strongly enough because all was news to her.
I am writing this note as an introduction because the gallery artists at C2C team up to assist Grand Haven landmarks, such as the GH Lighthouse or the Coal Tipple. For that matter, Bob Walma is a C2C Gallery artist who has created a campaign to save the coal tipple called "Tipple Aid", and the Tipple has achieved a cult following.
In other news, one person asked me if The Block had a good butcher. No, I answered, and yet occasionally really good meatballs are served."
Marc had popped into Art Cats too, meaning we had a three stop parade from Lakeside to Red Lotus to downtown, and many reports have arrived to say we were not alone in that progression. One artist cycling the Lakeshore Trail from Art Cats to Red Lotus noted the following celebrity siting: Foley Schuler and his girlfriend were hiking hand in hand, approaching bridge number four, east of the old Amoco Oil docks. Schuler might have taken the entire night off from the art beat, one intuits.
Quite the photographer in her own right, LaShelle Mikesell had taken a turn about the Red Lotus show to view the Lake Muskegon show, and she decamped from Lotus too with a friend to share private confidences at the long wooden bar. She and her friend had been departed for ten minutes when her husband showed up, jaunty and powerful in a rugby polo, looking about the underground chamber for his wife. I informed him that his bride had made her way to a third destination, unknown to me, and he flipped out his cellphone. He held it in the open clamshell position as he talked about the loud open mike progressing at Hennessy's, every song reminding him of a B-Side tune, wishing he could flip the song choice over. I knew what he was talking about and I decided to go home after I finished my pint, Brewery Vivant, Sergeant Peppercorn Rye. Hennessy's is a fine bar, although the open mike gets out of control every now and wee.
Who is going to break it to Hoby Thrasher that Smash is purveying fine Michigan micro brews for between four dollars to five dollars a pint? That's a word that should fly around Muskegon on the wings of a StellaFly? Or maybe a EnoFly?

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