Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Speak Up for Wet Lands and Tighten the Clean Water Acts.

ATTENTION, please! We have a very unique opportunity RIGHT NOW, ladies & gentlemen. We are able to 'SPEAK UP FOR WETLANDS' and give our opinions on why we need to preserve and care for them, which in turn can "lead to stronger protections" for them! Please read the following article. They want our public feedback!! Follow the simple instructions and reply by NOVEMBER 6th! Thank you so much!!... "By hearing from numerous citizens and groups like yours that care about wetlands and headwater streams, you can help ensure this science-based work includes needed, increased protections that will result in positive changes. The updated report, based on public feedback, will become the basis for a new rule defining which wetlands and streams are protected under the Clean Water Act.

A Chance to Speak up for Wetlands http://eepurl.com/HAoHv

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