Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Although the ZERO+ Work by Tom Duimstra Show is Scheduled to Open November 15th, it Looks Available to See 11/1/2013 for #FreeRadical, 6-10PM?

The Photographer Michael D. Willis said to this writer and then to the world, "Use My Pictures". So I am, and especially since this picture of Duimstra talking to Willis has a strong emotional resonance for me. Duimstra has admirers that certainly will love this picture, the artist, his work and the computer where he communicates his art aesthetic and his philosophy to the world. I carefully write about Duimstra whenever his work comes to my attention, and I know I'll screw up some fact about him. Duimstra rarely misses comments concerning his work, and to be honest, I am looking forward to hearing from him. UICA has interpretive comments published that give me access to this show and to Duimstra's work in general. I'll be reading the sentences over a few times before I see his show and can recommend this to you. Wondering if these words are written by A.J. Paschka, who is given credit for curating the show.

It doesn't escape me that Duimstra led the community in a conversation that ultimately led to renewal at UICA. Duimstra and UICA have long roots intertwined. UICA and Duimstra came up together.

Tom Duimstra's work expands outward from a central point of minimalism. He expands out into a world of texture, color, and mark-making. The work communicates an artistic balance of receiving and giving, looking and responding, that draws viewers in. The conversation between universal and personal is created when Duimstra incorporates elements of the visual language of the everyday into his creations. ZERO+ organizes the subtle and dynamic expansions of his work into an mature and evocative showcase.

Pulso, Duimstra, Beautiful Prison and a show curated by Heather Duffy available, theoretically, on a single night at UICA? The museum will show well Friday night.

How is it possible that this show is listed to be open a week ahead of its official opening?

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